
We're On A Mission...

To help you learn how to play and win the credit game once and for all

Our Story

​All About Us

Here, we take our jobs seriously. We understand that having good credit is a necessity, but can seem a distance away. We help with that uncertainty.

The power of our Flyy Credit University educational platform, coupled with our commitment to produce results for our members, our students are confident excellent credit is in the near future.

Our vision here is to continuously develop beyond the financial services offered today, enhancing not only the opportunity for consumers and business owners to feel financial stability, but ultimately achieve their greatest financial potential. Our goals will always lead back to what our foundation was created upon- to educate and improve the financial circumstances of consumers and small business owners.

Having good credit is a lifestyle that everyone deserves. We believe whole-heartedly we can help make that difference.

Who We Are

Want to learn more about our story and what we stand for? Get all the info you need to make an informed decision today.



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